Authors |
Koundouri, P., Papandreou, N., Remoundou, K. and Kountouris, Y. |
Title |
A Bird s Eye View of the Greek Water Situation: The Potential for the Implementation of the EU WFD. |
Abstract |
The Water Framework Directive (WFD) was formulated for addressing the weaknesses of the previous water-related directives. The main steps that WFD involves could be summarised in the setting of ecological standards, the identification of anthropogenic pressures and the adoption of corrective measures. This introductory chapter describes the water situation in Greece and assesses the potential of the timely implementation of the European Union s (EU) WFD. In this context, the significance of Asopos River Basin (RB) is put into perspective. More analytically, the chapter presents: (a) the employed methodology that enables rapid assessment of the status quo of the water situation in each Greek catchment, as compared to the requirements and targets of the EU WFD, (b) the implementation of this methodology on each of the fourteen Greek River Basin Districts (RBDs) and (c) relevant empirical results. The main objective of the chapter is to present the rapid-appraisal methodology that was developed for the estimation of the cost-recovery level for water services in the fourteen Greek RBDs. Results from this quick appraisal clearly highlight the need for reforms in the current pricing policy and preparation of a package of measures, as proposed in Chapters 9 and 10, in order for the water bodies to reach good ecological status and the water management to ensure full recovery of the cost of water services as required under article 11 of the WFD. |
Lenght (pages) |
9446 |
Creation Date |
2013-03-06 |
Publication Status |
Forthcoming in Forthcoming in Koundouri, P., and N. Papandreou (editors); M. Stithou (assistant editor), 2012. Water Resources Management Sustaining Socio-Economic Welfare: The Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive in Asopos River Basin |
File |
Chapter1.pdf (751367 bytes) |
File-Function |
First version |
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