Working Paper : 1318

Authors Koundouri, P., Kourogenis, N., Pittis, N. and Samartzis, P.
Title Factor Models of Stock Returns: GARCH Errors versus Autoregressive Betas
Abstract The Single Factor Model (SFMT) of stock returns in its simplest form, namely the one that assumes time-invariant beta and homoskedastic error has been found to be empirically inadequate.The beta coefficient and the error process exhibit signi��cant time-variation and dynamic conditional heteroskedasticity, respectively. Out of these empirical failures, two extended versions of SFMT have emerged: the ��first (SFMT-AR) assumes that the beta coefficient is an autoregressive process, whereas the second (SFMT-GARCH) maintains the assumption of time-invariant beta but assumes that the error follows a GARCH process. The purpose of this paper is twofold: fi��rst to show that SFMT-AR is capable of reproducing the most important stylized facts of stock returns, namely conditional heteroskedasticity and leptokurtosis, even in the case in which the factor is an independent process; second to compare SFMT-GARCH and SFMT-AR in terms of their in-sample and out-of-sample performance. The most important result from these comparisons is that SFMT-AR dominates SFMT-GARCH in terms of forecasting the second moments of stock returns.
Keywords autoregressive beta, stock returns, single factor model, conditional heteroscedasticity
Classification JEL C22, G10, G11, G12
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