Working Paper : 1801

Authors Karakitsios, A. and Matsaganis, M.
Title Minimum Wage Effects on Poverty and Inequality
Abstract Minimum wage effect on employment is one of the mostly studied fields in labour economics. Minimum wage is also considered as a redistributive tool but its efficiency is strongly doubted due to potential disemployment effect that may cause. In the present paper, redistributive ability of minimum wage is studied through microsimulation techniques and under several scenarios of employment elasticity. The results indicate that minimum wage can reduce poverty even under the presence of a disemployment effect. Though, this anti-poverty effect is limited as employment elasticity is more negative. Similarly, inequality decreases when minimum wage increases are adopted, but the redistributive effect is weaker when they cause job losses. The above indicate that minimum wage policies should be used with caution and always take into account any possible impact on employment.
Creation Date 2018-01-00
Keywords minimum wages, unemployment, poverty, inequality
Classification JEL I38, J01, J08, J58
File Minimum.Wage.Effects.on.Poverty.and.Inequality.pdf (1322822 bytes)
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