Working Paper : 1811

Authors Tsakiris, N., Hatzipanayotou, P. and Michael, M.
Title Border Tax Adjustments and Tariff-Tax Reforms with Consumption Pollution
Abstract We develop a model of a small open economy, where pollution per unit of consumption between domestically produced and imported quantities of the same good differs. We show that the first-best policy combination calls for consumption taxes on all polluting goods, and Border Tax Adjustment (BTA) measures, i.e., tariffs or import subsidies. We identify conditions under which well known tariff-tax reform policies for developing economies, such as a consumer-price-neutral piecemeal reform of a trade and a consumption tax, and a consumer-price-neutral reform of all trade and consumption taxes improve welfare. We also evaluate whether a consumer-price-neutral reform of a tariff and a consumption tax is superior to a reform of a tariff alone.
Creation Date 2018-12-17
Keywords Consumption generated Pollution, Optimal Taxation, Border Tax Adjustments, Trade and Consumption Tax Reforms
Classification JEL F13, F18, H20, H21
File Border.Tax.Adjustments.and.Tariff.Tax.Reform.with.Consumption.Pollution.pdf (330475 bytes)
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