Authors |
Torres-Ortega, S., Diaz-Simal, P., Del-Jesus, F., Guanche, R. and Koundouri, P. |
Title |
Comparative Financial Analysis of marine multi-purpose platforms projects: MERMAID and TROPOS projects |
Abstract |
The Oceans of Tomorrow (FP7-OCEAN) initiative aimed to foster multidisciplinary approaches between different economic and scientific sectors and disciplines, maintaining a common focus on marine and maritime challenges. Under this umbrella, three projects were developed focusing on the development of multi-use offshore platforms: H2Ocean, TROPOS and MERMAID. The development of all these three projects included the design of different concepts in terms of study cases and application of the main findings of the projects. The financial aspect of these design concepts was carried out in all projects, but the assumptions made to perform this analysis were quite different among the projects. Although none of the Oceans of Tomorrow projects had the objective to produce a viable proposal from the economic point of view, it is necessary to analyse the possibilities of the concepts developed. A common methodology and parameters need to be used in order to achieve a constancy and homogeneity that allows comparing the results. This chapter defines a common financial framework that permits to obtain comparable results of the financial performance of the different design concepts proposed in the Oceans of Tomorrow projects. |
Creation Date |
2020-05-30 |
Keywords |
H2Ocean, TROPOS, MERMAID, financial framework, multi-use offshore platform |
File |
Evaluation.and.comparison.of.European.marine.multi.purpose.platforms.projects.pdf (1008670 bytes) |
File-Function |
First version |
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