Working Paper : 2032

Authors Sachs, J., Abdool Karim, S., Aknin, L., Allen, J., Brosbol, K., Cuevas Barron, G., Daszak, P., Espinosa, M., Gaspar, V., Gaviria, A., Haines, A., Hotez, P., Koundouri, P., Lee, J., Pate, M., Polman, P., Reddy, S., Serageldin, I., Shah, R., Thwaites, J., Vike-Freiberga, V., Wang, C., Were, M., Larrain Bascunan, F., Xue, L., Zhu, M., Bahadur, C., Bottazzi, M., Amor, Y., Barredo, L., Caman, O., Lafortune, G., Torres, E., Ethridge, I. and Bartels, J.
Title Lancet COVID-19 Commission Statement on the occasion of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly
Abstract The Lancet COVID-19 Commission was launched on July 9, 2020, to assist governments, civil society, and UN institutions in responding effectively to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Commission aims to offer practical solutions to the four main global challenges posed by the pandemic: suppressing the pandemic by means of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions; overcoming humanitarian emergencies, including poverty, hunger, and mental distress, caused by the pandemic; restructuring public and private finances in the wake of the pandemic; and rebuilding the world economy in an inclusive, resilient, and sustainable way that is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement. Many creative solutions are already being implemented, and a key aim of the Commission is to accelerate their adoption worldwide.
Creation Date 2020-09-17
Publication Status Published in The Lancet (
File Lancet.Commission.1stStatement.pdf (464594 bytes)
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