Working Paper : 1305

Authors Antypas, A., Koundouri, P. and Kourogenis, N.
Title Oscillatory Versus Quadratic Trends in Natural Resource Commodity Prices
Abstract In this paper we introduce a model for the description of natural resources�� price paths, which in contrast to the existing literature, captures non-linear trends by means of a simple trigonometric function. We then use a set of model selection criteria to compare our trigonometric trend model with Slade��s (1982) quadratic trend model, as well as a more general one, that nests both of these models. We estimate the models using price series of the main fuel and metal resources prices, analyzed by the relevant literature, and ��nd that in most cases the trigonometric trend model is selected as the one better ��tting the data. Our results have implications for the long-run projection of natural resources prices and, consequently, for the relevance of the Hotelling rule.
Creation Date 2013-02-19
Keywords Oscillatory trend, quadratic trend, Hotelling rule, natural resources�prices, model selection.
Classification JEL E3, C22
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